Your Time Has Come to Run for Office
Everyone Talks about Voting them out! But let’s be honest, it requires ZERO sacrifice from you to cast a vote! And if no one is running against them, you can’t vote them out!
Roughly, 75% of those who infringe on your rights Go UNOPPOSED FOR REELECTION!
As long as they cast votes without consequences, they will abuse their powers. They will think themselves invincible.
So… Now it Begins… with YOU!
The Best Route to Serving America and Massachusetts is to start with your Local City or Town
Elected Positions: Board of Selectmen | City Council | School Committee | Planning Board |
Appointed Boards are also a great place to start… Economic Development | Finance Boards | Library | Senior Citizens | Recreation Committees
After You Have Served Locally, Then Look at Local State Seats such as State Representative or State Senate
You Need to Establish Credibility with Voters. Show Them You Are Smart, Responsible and Honest. Once you have done this by serving your community, then look at the larger seats.
Run for State Rep:
- Pull Nomination Papers
- All You Need is 150 People to Sign Your Nomination Papers
- If You Missed Nomination Paper Deadline, Do a Write-In Campaign for The Primary
- All You Need are 150 People to write in your name on the Primary Election Ballot
Run for State Senate:
- Pull Nomination Papers
- All You Need is 300 People to Sign Your Nomination Papers
- If You Missed Nomination Paper Deadline, Do a Write-In Campaign for The Primary
- All You Need are 300 People to write in your name on the Primary Election Ballot
Getting on the Ballot is much easier than you might think.
Once you have made the decision to actually be part of the solution, let me know. I will help get the word out by sharing it with my own network of thousands. I will also update this website with your write-in information, and together we will get you votes.